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Personal Skills Training

Field Selling for Retail Banking

A Workshop for Customer Advisors


When holding a bank brand awareness day, in a prospective customer’s premises or shopping centre, it is necessary to equip Customer Advisors with the necessary knowledge, expertise and proven techniques to banish the self limiting beliefs constraining their selling performance.

Encouraging potential customers to move their bank is a highly emotive task. To complete this task there are certain necessary skills for Customer Advisors to acquire:

  • the ability to effortlessly and effectively communicate,
  • the ability to instantly build trust and rapport,
  • the ability to close business and move on quickly.

While face-to-face field selling the products and services of a retail bank there are two fundamentals:

  • Objections are not inherent to the buyer, but are often created by the behaviour of the seller
  • People buy people.

At the end of this intensive one day workshop; Customer Advisors who are selling bank products and services face-to-face will have identified and improved upon their personal selling strengths, have practised using them to best effect and most importantly will have developed an individual plan for driving and managing their face-to-face sales presentations.

This highly interactive workshop is designed to equip your bank’s Customer Advisor with the necessary skills to sell successfully face-to-face time and time again. While the programme is detailed in content and contains interactive skills practice, role-play and learning exercises, two main elements are concentrated upon;

  • How to attract prospects to approach and speak with you
  • How to quickly close the sale and move to the next prospect

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