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Personal Skills Training

Team Building

Team Building

When we consider that a team is a group of people with complimentary skills who work together to complete a task or project this is seemingly a clear-cut definition.

Motivated teams are strong, independent, flexible, outward in their thinking and get things done. They are constant, disciplined and mindful of their output.

However molding a group of individuals into such a strong and effective team requires a wide-ranging knowledge set. This knowledge set contains the objectives, duration and membership of the team, in addition there is knowledge of the likely pushes and pulls that the team will face, their milestones, possible pauses in their workflow and influential external stakeholders.

A successful team is expected to complete the following:

  • Operate with a high degree of interdependence
  • Share task and team authority and responsibility for their self-management
  • Maintain collective accountability
  • Work towards common their common goals and shared rewards

The performance of a team can be deemed to be successful if their strong sense of mutual commitment creates synergy which in turn generates performance that us greater than the sun of the performance of it’s individual members.

So what are the mechanisms to take a group of diverse individuals and mold them into a cohesive and effective team?

Building team is a complex process. Making it seem simple is more complex again. Team building is a combination of formal class room instruction along with group and individual experiences and coaching supports. No-one is pushed beyond their comfort zone, yet equally participants are nurtured and encouraged to move beyond their fears.

Understanding and Managing Failure

Moving on from bonding the team, the ultimate test for a team that considers itself to be effective is their approach to and understanding off what it is to fail. When there is a drop in agreed performance or when an identifiable mistake has been made a team is judged more so on their initial responses to the arising issue/ failure.

While the team self-awareness’s, self-policing and learning from mistakes are all part of the process of understanding how they develop, to learn from failure and to do so in the controlled environment of a facilitated exercise is off immense learning value.

Team Building Supports

When maintaining the motivated team It takes less effort to sustain desired team behaviours and performance than it initially does to create .

Reinforcement theory tells us that after new behaviour has been established, practice is perfect and that it can best be perpetuated through intermittent reinforcement.

In support of the motivation of a team, for a period of one month each individual on the team building receives a scheduled weekly email or telephone call to support the challenges that faced and want to overcome following on from their team building event.


The training will concentrate on challenging the delegates to better understand and manage their own teams, what it is that motivates individuals and how to build and maintain ongoing standards of excellence.

Our team building model utilizes a three part model through instructional exercise and physical group activities to:

  1. Build a real team
  2. Motivate your team
  3. Maintain your team

Aside from building effective teams the training will also work towards establishing and maintaining a company culture that’s committed to the recognition of the team, and of individual performance, leading to job excellence through self-motivation and a happier workforce better able to serve the needs of customers.

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