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Personal Skills Training

Workshop Facilitation

Role of the Facilitator & Process Coach

As the workshop facilitator my role will be to empower and involve all participants equally. Through high-energy interaction I will provide structure, guidance, honest & impartial feedback, constructive challenge and productive comments.

I will deliver on the outcomes of the workshops, to include:

  • Engage the entire group in discussion
  • Understand group dynamics
  • Offer an impartial insight to the group
  • Regularly clarify how the task is being done
  • Establish full nagging rights within the team
  • Identify specific issues requiring attention
  • Encourage honest communication
  • Measure how people are feeling
  • Ensure that conflict in “NOT” avoided
  • Encourage the reserved individuals
  • Drive honest communication
  • Smoke out any hidden agendas
  • Have an occasional bit of fun
  • Start and finish on time
  • Keep the group focused on the work process

With the certainty that the last thing you are told in a workshop is the first thing that you will remember, I reinforce the following across the attendees:

  • Ability
  • Motivation
  • Attitude

To quote Lou Holts a team leader extraordinaire:

  • Ability is what you’re capable of doing……………
  • Motivation determines what you do……………
  • Attitude determines how well you do it……..

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