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Personal Skills Training

One-to-One Coaching in Presentation Skills

Duration: One Day


Through highly effective one-to-one coaching, this course enables any individual to explode the myths and fears surrounding speaking in public to become a more confident and competent presenter.

In a non-threatening environment, utilising both practical guidance and confidential individual coaching, we address all aspects of effective presentations, from composition to delivery.

This course will benefit those who will have to make presentations, make a speech, motivate a team, lead a meeting, deliver training or communicate to others through the medium of a presentation.

The objectives of the course are as follows:

  • Considerably advance the individuals personal strengths and abilities with knowledge and skills that can be applied immediately.
  • Focus on the communication elements of imparting knowledge to an audience; awareness of body language, the importance of eye contact, pausing for effect, maintaining audience attention and audience psychology.
  • Develop the individual to effectively sell themselves and their presentation every time.

Each person completing this intensive coaching will:

  • understand your presenting fears and how best to conqueror them,
  • be more confident in using voice, eye contact and body language,
  • be able to prepare and structure content Framework SystemTM,
  • be competent in answering any question,
  • be confident in the design and handling of visual aids,
  • know how to arrange the room layout get your message across,
  • control your nerves and convey a professional image.

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